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How to Install Miniconda on Ubuntu 22.04

How to Install Miniconda on Ubuntu 22.04
What is Miniconda?

Miniconda is a lightweight version of the Anaconda distribution of Python. It allows users to install only a minimal set of required conda packages, including only conda package manager and python. Miniconda is helpful for managing their Python environments, without installing the entire Anaconda distribution.

install miniconda ubuntu terminal

~ This tutorial will guide How to Install Miniconda on Ubuntu 22.04 linux server or desktop?

Miniconda vs. Anaconda — What’s the Difference?

Miniconda is a Python distribution that includes the package manager conda, While Anaconda comes with pre-installed packages instead of over 250. Miniconda is a lightweight version that acts as a management system without any pre-installed packages. If you use Miniconda, you will need to download individual packages and libraries separately from the conda official repository.

Miniconda requirements:

  • A running Ubuntu 22.04 system
  • A basic understanding of the terminal and Linux commands
How do I install Miniconda on ubuntu 22.04 | 20.04 | 18.04?

Here’s a step-by-step handbook to install miniconda ubuntu terminal:

[optional] Step 0: install miniconda ubuntu server:

Open your terminal by pressing ctrl + alt + t and type the details

ssh <username>@<server_ip> or ssh <username>@<domain_name>

ssh jbidyut@

and then enter the password that’s it

Step 1: Update your ubuntu system:

Update your ubuntu system by executing this command

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

if you use it on a servr no need to update this.

Step 2: Download Minconda in your system

To download and install miniconda ubuntu from the Miniconda official website (

optional verify SHA256 hash

cd ~/Downloads

Step 3: Install miniconda ubuntu 22.04 linux

To install miniconda ubuntu without sudo execute the command:

cd ~/Downloads

and press enter and follow on-screen instructions.

download and install miniconda ubuntu

For the one-line installation step simply run these commands:

wget -O ~/
bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda

To install conda ubuntu you can use miniconda or anaconda any package manager.

Using Miniconda

  • Miniconda allows you to create and manage multiple Python environments.
  • To create a new environment, type the command conda create --name jrkenv where “jrkenv” is the name of the environment
  • To activate the environment, type the command conda activate jrkenv
  • Once the environment is active, you can install packages using the command conda install package-name where package name will be pandas, numpy, matplotlib
  • To see all installed packages type conda list
  • To deactivate the environment, type the command conda deactivate
  • To remove an environment, type the command conda remove --name jrkenv --all

Step 4: How to uninstall miniconda ubuntu linux

In order to uninstall miniconda from your system, just remove the miniconda folder

rm -r ~/miniconda/
sudo rm -r /opt/miniconda/
install miniconda linux command line

The Short Note:

Miniconda is a useful tool for managing Python environments and packages for data science. With the above commands and steps, you should now be able to install miniconda ubuntu 22.04 system.

Thanks 🙂

Related blog: How to reinstall a package using apt-get? – Debian/Ubuntu


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